For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike. When you are the anvil, bear – when you are the hammer, strike. –Edwin Markham
When I was in college (a long time ago), we read an essay in one of my psychology classes. The takeaway, and what has stuck with me, was the idea that there are times in life when you have the need, the urge to be the hammer. But maybe more importantly, there are times when you have to be the anvil.
The Hammer & the Anvil
Especially at the beginning of a new year, we are inundated with messages to act, to make positive changes to set goals. Be charged up! All messages of what it is to be the hammer. I think it is worth remembering however, one can’t be the hammer all of the time and never be the anvil. But recognize that this is a dance we have to do and and making the transition from one phase to the next might be key.
In a hammer phase you are acting, being proactive. You are setting new paths, you are motivated, growing, creating, learning and maybe taking chances on new endeavors. It’s exciting and stimulating and a time of confidence building. The deep belly urge is there to move forward and progress.
“In real life it is always the anvil that breaks the hammer.” -George Orwell
We would not be human however, if we did not experience the anvil phase at times. Remember, the anvil is in fact stronger than the hammer. Many a hammer has been broken by the anvil. It is not a time of weakness. In an anvil phase you are strong and resolute. You show fortitude. Or maybe it’s a time of reflection or quiet healing. It may be a time of loss, grief or recovering. It is important to process and work through these times so that when the time comes for the shift from anvil to hammer you are stronger and healthier when that phase begins.
Transition & Conflict
I think the transition from one phase to the next can be a time of conflict. We need to be able to recognize when to shift out of the anvil phase to keep from being stagnant. Sometimes we are yearning to be the hammer but maybe life situations are keeping us from being able to act upon this need. And the feeling of being held back can be stressful. Maybe you are caring for an aging parent or dealing with other health issues or another type of crisis. That mental health day you so desperately need may be a one day anvil state that leaves you feeling recharged.
We’re only human. We need to have patience sometimes. Easier said than done for me. If you’re not in a place where you are conquering mountains right now, that’s probably ok. The time to shift gears will come and it’s our job to recognize it and be ready to swing away.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a medical professional and all the opinions expressed in this blog are my own. If you feel like you need the help of a professional please seek advice from one.
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